Are you ready to feel more confident?
In yourself.
In your relationships.
With your children.
In your life.
In your career.
You don't have to pay for weekly therapy, accept the struggle or diagnose yourself as a certain type of person!
This is not a one size fits all that can only work for a select few.
It's truly not as hard as you think to let go of your inner struggles and embrace the truth.
You feel overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed and totally disconnected.
You never put yourself first.
You feel stuck in an endless cycle of dred and the day to day struggle.
You get angry with your children and with yourself!
You feel disconnected in your relationships and alone.
That's what I spent thousands doing and now feel fully connected to my authentic self,
fully connected to my children no matter what the day looks like,
fully connected to my husband, even though we were nearly over,
fully connected to those around me with no drive to change any of them or any of it!
I went back to the beginning & found where I made my first decisions about the world and cleaned it all up from there.
There is no perfect therapy, mindset coach, or routine that's going to help you overcome your daily patterns, unless of course you can link right back to the source and build from there.
I will support & walk you through every single
step over 4 weeks fully 1:1
I'll show you everything you need to be focussing on &
everything you DON'T need to be focussing on to improve sleep.
So you can let go of the overwhelm, exhaustion & stress.
Simple is NOT spending your days focussing &
tracking every sleep & feed.
Simple is NOT feeling like you have to be the perfect parent,
trying to fit into a rigid schedule for their age or
doing things that make you feel uneasy.
Simple is NOT leaving them to cry alone & figure it out themselves or ignoring certain behaviours to make them
behave a certain way.
You don't need to stop feeding to sleep or
make them fall asleep independantly to improve sleep.
If you want to shift away from certain ways of falling asleep...
That's ok, there are lots of loving ways.
I will help you with what you DO need to know to improve sleep.
I will help you with the areas that bother you the most!
The ones you get MOST confused & frustrated about:
How to have peaceful bedtimes
How to improve sleep overnight
How to introduce others to bedtime & overnight
How to make naps easy
How to change how you settle them to sleep
How to change the location of their sleep
How to manage theirs & your emotions
How to hold loving boundaries & when & when to give control power
How to truly connect with them in the most fun & playful ways
BONUS access to my Truly Gentle Nightweaning Method™ & support to implement if
you are ready or have it if you might need it later...
I will help you decide with confidence & empower you in your decisions.
I’m a paragraph. Double click here or click Edit Text to add some text of your own or to change the font. This is the place for you to tell your site visitors a little bit about you and your services.

"This experience has been life changing for our family.
We've worked with sleep consultants in the past. They've been ruthless with their time and their methods were harsh. Definitely not focused on the wellbeing of the child. This experience has been the polar opposite.
Now, we've gone from 5am wake ups every single day, for months on end, to 7/8am wake ups, 11 hour sleeps, a happier child and happier household.
We trust you have armed us with all the tools we'll need to continue your great work, not just on sleep, but all of the other parts you've supported us with. Thank you again."
Simon McMahon - Dad to 3 year old girl
"I went from feeling like a failure to realising how much I did know about my little girl and reinforcing that instinctive connection that I had almost lost.
I was an exhausted, anxious mum feeling so frustrated and weighed down by the failed nap schedules and multiple night wakings. I knew I wouldn't be able for the crying out element of sleep training and ultimately it went against my instincts, so I felt there was no way forward......until I found gentle little sleepers.
Patrice guides you as a parent to listen to your little one, to find their rhythm and to have a bespoke approach to sleep instead of trying to force your family into a one-size-fits-all routine. She uses science, logic and empathy to work with you to make changes to facilitate sleep and to change your perspective on wakings.
Her holistic approach allows you to work with your baby to achieve a sustainable loving approach to sleep, to trust your instincts rather than go against them. She is a leading light in a evidence based sleep advice, I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for help."
Nicola Walshe - Mom to 9 month old girl

"I needed someone who was going to listen to us as a family and help figure out what we needed. Patrice did this and more.
A message from the family 8 months after support. She was 9 months when I supported them.
***** is sleeping all night in her own room the last 2 months.
Stopped feeding & feeding to sleep. She took well to the adjustment.
She started to sleep through the night so we moved her to her own room. She woke once or twice at 1st to check that we were still a call away & she is happy there. We still stay until she's asleep, which is working for us.
Thanks for all your help!"
Amy Vero
To highlight how support stands to you
longer than I am with you.
You’ve tried everything…
👉You’ve listened to lots of sleep experts
👉You’ve read all the parenting books
👉You’ve tried other people settling
👉You’ve tried saying NO
👉You’ve tried changing how they sleep
👉You’ve tried a routine
👉You’ve tried being flexible
👉You’ve tried bedsharing
👉You’ve tired them sleeping away from you…
BUT nothing has worked or helped AND you feel...
Touched out, Alone, Frustrated, Anxious, Lost, Overwhelmed, Afraid, Exhausted, , Trapped, Confused.
AND feeling...
Like a Bad Parent!
Like You're Doing Something Wrong!
Like it's all Your Fault!
I meet parents every day feeling like this…
Because they feel that the only way out is to sleep train or leave them to cry.
This is simply NOT TRUE!
Here, we only focus on the easy & gentle ways to improve sleep while deepending connection with your child so you can feel empowered & confident in your choices.
Imagine how you would feel if you had confidence in taking the steps toward better sleep without guilt or shame? We don't put your needs above your child's or your child's needs above yours, we meet together with Love & Kindness!
🔥Staying true to your gut instincts
🔥Having clear, easy to follow steps that felt fun
🔥Fully enhancing your connection with your child
🔥Achieving results you never thought possible
🔥Feeling more rested & more confident in yourself
🔥Having time for you again
🔥Having time for your partner again
Stay true to your gut instincts for a gentle approach!
Let's focus on the EASY ways to make progress toward feeling energized
We WON'T need to…
❌Take away your presence to make them sleep.
❌Leave them for 30 seconds,1 minute & respond in intervals.
❌Do strategies that make you feel uneasy, stressed or anxious.
❌END your breastfeeding journey, even if you have a goal of nightweaning,
you still DON'T need to STOP breastfeeding.
❌Do really HARD THINGS before things improve.
❌Be stuck to the house for all naps.
❌Have a strict & rigid routine.
❌Traumatize or stress your child out withdrawing love & connection.
✅Always respond to your child's needs throughout the process.
✅Respect your child's feelings & support their feelings & meet their needs.
✅Respect your opinion & see you as the expert on your child.
✅Create an individualized, consistent & flexible routine that you can rely on.
✅Introduce loving boundaries in playful ways & help you in holding them.
✅Take only the easiest steps toward your goals with choice & flexibility.
You don't need to worry that change
will be too hard because we are only focussing on EASY!
You don't need to be off work or have lot's of support to join!
If you have less support, more the reason to join!
You just need to start making changes that will allow you to take steps forward.
So don't let thoughts of not being ready, needing to feel less exhausted to start,
waiting for a certain time HOLD YOU BACK!
From our first 1:1 call, I will walk with you every GENTLE step over 4 weeks
so we can improve your sleep in one simple step at a time.
And when you join my support, you will also get help with...
✅Managing your thoughts & emotions when your child is pushing buttons.
✅Creating self-confidence so that you will not only believe that you can improve
sleep, but that you are also doing a great job & are totally in tune with their
✅Giving easy steps so you will always know exactly what to do & focus on,
tweaking things if needed along the way.
✅Loving, playful ways to connect with your child & fill their buckets.
I have helped hundreds of families feel more rested & confident in their parenting. I know the struggles you face, where you get stuck, and what’s needed to keep you on track.
I am so sure you will feel fully supported toward feeling more confident,
connected & rested, & to prove it, I offer WEEK 1 as a TRIAL.

Trial week 1

I'll give you 100% of your money back
if you let me know in week 1
that you don't feel like this
support is for you.
If you are questioning whether this will work for you?
No matter your current knowledge, personal background, or parenting experience, this process will give you the tools to gain more rest for you & your family.
That’s because you’ll learn the principles of maintaining sleep that I’ve developed over the last 20 years minding children as a high profile professional Nanny, supporting families as a Holistic Sleep Coach & through parenting my own children & re-parenting myself.
When you join this process, you start with the simple goal of getting more sleep. Every parent who is here, ultimately has the same goal, and I support you to make it happen in responsive, loving ways.
The process that I follow to improve your families sleep has been proven to help with hundreds of families I supported who felt just like you.
I ONLY focus on what is vital for you to improve sleep while helping you manage the mental blocks that can keep you stuck.
I give you unlimited coaching so that you get every bit of
personalized help that you need to succeed in applying the simple learnings.
I have a true, long lasting relationship with my clients.
When you join my Truly Gentle Sleep Support Process™
✅You will know ways to improve sleep in responsive ways.
✅You will feel confident in your choices & connected with your child.
✅You will release the fear of change & allow new ways.
✅You will feel more rested, period.
✅You will feel heard, seen, acknowledged & supported.
✅We will stay connected for life.
Because the path to feeling rested is NOT to stay struggling & hope for change, it's to take the steps.
The Details you need to know
When you sign up to this process, you gain access to Patrice's calendar to book your first 1:1
where we will create your customized sleep plan with BONUS nightweaning plan for you to
use if you need it or support to implement it throughout this process, your choices, no pressure
here, only you or your child can decide when the right time is!

🔥Your personal sleep assessment 1:1 with Patrice
🔥Receive your customized gentle sleep plan, tailored to your goals
🔥How to simplify your sleep routines & amplify their effect, bringing fun
🔥Introduce easy, fun concepts for your child to adapt to new ways
🔥How to feel connected & confident leading into bedtime
🔥Introducing other caregivers to bedtime/sleep times in tiny, easy steps

🔥We will follow your child's lead in finding a regular rhythm
🔥Feel like you finally have some consistency with a flexible routine
🔥Learn ways to be flexible & ways to adapt on days where it's needed
🔥Finally enjoy bedtimes & roll into naps without battles
🔥Ways to bring your own fun & enjoyment into routines & daily rhythm
🔥Mastering a play concept taken from play therapy to feel the beauty &
power in the connection & opportunities that child led play brings

🔥Supporting you to feel confident in holding boundaries while
maintaining connection
🔥Learn how to support & manage their emotions with no judgment
🔥How to manage your own emotions & triggers, let go of fear
🔥Supporting you in supporting meltdowns, they will feel
seen, heard, acknowledged & loved, without losing your boundary
🔥Being able to change how or where they settle without all the drama
🔥Progressing through including others so you can have
the break you're longing for - schedule an outing even!

🔥This is not a case of 4 weeks & it all goes back to where it was
🔥You walk forward confidently, holding your power, holding changes
🔥Feeling energized & connected with your child & yourself
🔥The results speak for themselves & parents feel more like themselves
🔥Week 4 is about tweaking things, celebrating & holding the changes
🔥In week 4, usually parents are ready for the prompt I give of booking
the outing they've been longing for for so long!

Every feeling, question or concern you may have along the way, someone else shares it too. As well as your individual 1:1 with Patrice at the start of this process, you have access to 2 live face to face calls in my Open Office available only to families in the 4 week support, maximum 4-6 families in each call, usually 2-4. This allows face to face support for any extra reassurance you need or just for connection & fun. The other families I'm supporting in the month will have access too. Maximum 4-6 participants on each LIVE call.
Calls are hosted on zoom & I am available to you for 2 hours for all your questions. I coach on a vast amount of areas because my clients are not afraid to ask me literally anything. After 20 years of hanging around with children & their families, absolutely nothing shocks me & I come completely judgement free.
This is a supportive & inclusive place where we can be our authentic selves & release any fear of judgement or shame. I help you process emotions around making changes, supporting you & your child to find new ways of falling asleep, introducing others, routine, behaviour, you name it!
Videos are recorded & shared with each family being supported that month so if you can't jump in LIVE, there's absolutely no pressure, you can also jump in, get coaching & leave, jump in late, ask a question & I can cover so you can watch the replay, there is literally no pressure in this community, just support, love & solidarity.
I will help you understand why sleep can be troublesome, ways to overcome sleep issues, aim for new goals & maintain a loving approach throughout.
All family dynamics are welcome, bedsharing, co-sleeping, floorbeds, cots, family beds, breastfeeding, bottle feeding. You don't have to fit into a certain box to avail of my support & if your goal is to keep bedsharing, that's absolutely normal & welcome too.
I can support you to improve sleep no matter how you settle or where.
If your goal is to shift away from something, that's welcome too & fully supported here.
Get 1:1 help with Patrice from 9am to 9pm, Monday to Saturday for the full 4 weeks. I literally walk with you every step & support you daily.
You have 24/7 access to the private group on telegram, linked with the other families I'm supporting on this journey too.
This is where you can find our jam packed parent topics folder with videos & easy inforgraphics to guide you through different stages or obstacles, drafted from all the questions I've been asked or topics parents wanted throughout all the families I've supported.
Covering things like managing behaviour, each nap stage, moving rooms, early rising, bedtime routine & much more.
Get individualized coaching based on what's coming up for you, tailored specifically to you as often as you need. Share highs & support each other on your journey to making changes in loving, respectful ways.
Join Our Amazing New Facebook Hub
to Stay Forever Friends in the side of the internet where supporting your child is normal!

Whether it’s celebrating your wins, sharing your progress, supporting others, or just staying connected. Dive into the support, experiences, celebrations, and encouragement found in The Child Parent Hub Community. Our supportive hub gives parents an opportunity to share and learn from each other while celebrating huge breakthroughs along the way & having support from Patrice & other renowned specialists including Ciara Butler IBCLC, Julia Pichl Holistic Sleep Coach, Sarah Verso Ryan Genlte Sleep Coach, Laura Carbery Chef, Fussy Eating & Weaning Specialist, & there will be more joining along the way.
Remain focused and motivated by reading and responding to the daily engagement post made by our team. This community was created for your learning, connection to like minded parents & to support you to better sleep & less stress.
Some Extra Bonuses
Parent Topics Folder
We have a fully loaded topics folder with amazing tips videos & easy images for you to download & keep for life to get you through any bumps along the way!

Hugs at Night-time
You get access to my Snuggles at Night-time Social Story for Nightweaning if that's in your plan for now or later on.
Truly Gentle Nightweaning Method™ - 14 months +
Whether you have nightweaning in your support plan for this journey in which I can take you through this proven method, or whether you are just here to improve sleep without nightweaning, you will gain access to my Truly Gentle Nightweaning Method™ to use when your ready or maybe you won't even need to take any steps & it might just happen naturally.
This bonus content has 2 easy to follow recordings following 4 simple & GENTLE steps to nightwean your toddler responsively with kindess & love over 4 weeks.
Supporting their emotions & meeting their needs throughout. This BONUS will ensure you know EXACTLY HOW TO NIGHTWEAN YOUR TODDLER in the KINDEST LOVING WAYS!

About me
My Story…I had 15 years experience with children & felt I knew it all & it would be a walk in the park, until I actually became a parent & felt the utter shock, isolation, judgment & pressure that being a parent holds these days.I had to do something to help others, from then on, I vowed myself to:Find ways of supporting parents & children, in ways that meet the needs of both.When I figured out the ways I could help, I would share it with as many families as I could to help parents feel less alone, less judged & more connected with their children, themselves & their gut instincts!Find & master responsive ways to support children & parents needs so neither side would ever have to suffer to please another.I’ve kept my promises.
And I’m now sharing it all with you…
Frequently asked questions
1. Will this work for me?
A. Yes, this will work for you, if you are willing to be open minded, coachable, make respectful changes, learn & grow.
Many of my clients can’t believe the changes they see from only a few minor adjustments once we complete our assessment & make a customized plan.
2. I am at work & things are busy, will I need lots of time?
A. Absolutely not! I created this network with the attitude that parents are some of the busiest people out there, with very little free time so this is not your usual program that will bombard you with content. This is real time support, tailored to you & your family & designed to take up as little of your time & energy as possible!
3. I’m so overwhelmed, how long will it take to see improvements?
A. This 4 week support is designed to bring families through the steps toward their goals in the easiest & kindest ways & families feel more rested & reassured coming out. The time frame varies with some families seeing BIG improvements within 1 week & others needing some time to settle into the changes. It also depends on the many factors individual to each child & family so I always highlight that I cannot put a time frame in because children are humans & not robots we can calculate.
There is also no pressure on families as many will see so much improvement, without having to change how they do things with only a few minor steps.
There is never pressure, only support!
4. Do I have to leave them to cry alone?
A. Never ever! Not even for 1 single second, GUARANTEED! I don’t support any cry alone or cry it out strategies, graduated extinction or timed intervals or any strategies of that kind. All techniques are coming from a true understanding of the child’s feelings & how the change effects them, individually & we take steps with them & tweak where needed! Some GENTLE strategies can be too much for children depending on where they're at so we assess your child & make a plan to suit them, tweaking where necessary.
5. Do I have to put them down alone or only allow them to sleep in certain places?
A. Absolutely not, sleep is sleep, no matter where it happens & flexibility is great! I support flexibility & adapting to daily life with tips & tricks for days when things are a little crazy, there are always ways to protect bedtime & support nights, no matter how the day goes! They can sleep wherever you like, in your bed, in their bed, in their cot, wherever they're used to is usually a good option when changing things & if you'd like to work toward changing how they settle or where they settle, I will include this in your customized plan, tailored to your child & your specific goals.
6. Do I have to stop breastfeeding?
A. Absolutely not! Even if nightweaning is one of your goals, you do not have to stop breastfeeding. I have so many families saying the 1st thing they tried was cutting day feeds, this is not part of my approach & I actually encourage keeping a day feed or 2 throughout the change to maintain that connection & closeness throughout the changes & help solidify boundaries during the day time first to help the nights be much easier.
I am a breastfeeding mom who has fully nightweaned 2 boys & still feeds my 2 year old every day after dinner & love this connection time & daily immunity boost for him! We also don't touch the nights in the 1st 2 weeks when we are building their understanding of concepts. This does not mean the nights won't improve before this, our aim is to improve overall sleep before we start making changes to the nights. We make changes to nights in week 3 if the family still wants to or needs to & you never have to nightwean COLD TURKEY!
7. Will we be part of a group?
No! This support is 1:1, just you & me, your customized plan is totally tailored to your child & your family. The only group aspect of the support is our BONUS fortnightly LIVE calls that are with the other families I am supporting that month, 4-6 max! Your coaching daily is based on your individual circumstances, your goals, your child & your family through voice notes, texts, file shares, etc from telegram, similar to whatsapp but easier to use. You have 24/7 access to the parent community for shares & to me 1:1 in private messenger on telegram. I answer questions & support you in real time 24/7 with respectful, attachment focussed ideas & respecting each of your individual journeys in my responses!
With so much information out there, leaving you feeling overwhelmed & exhausted on how to start improving sleep. I created this one & only support process to remove the overwhelm & fear around making changes to sleep where your clear, easy to follow steps are totally tailored to you, your family & most importantly, your child following my Truly Gentle 4 week Sleep Support Process™!
This easy to follow, family centered process will give you a clear, customized plan with clear set of steps to build on, removing your overwhelm of how to start the process.
If you feel like it’s all on you, you’re nearing burnout & you need someone else to be able to support you at night too, I will help you with that too!
If you feel like you would love them to sleep in a separate bed or cot then I can help with that too!
Has anyone ever said to you or said something like, "they'll sleep when they sleep?" Did it make you feel more exhausted, unsupported, not heard in your feelings & lost?
❌You don't have to stay stuck in overwhelm, exhaustion & fatigue with sleepless nights because there's no way to help!
❌You don't have to stay feeling trapped, touched out, lonely & confused with no idea how to make things better.
✅You can improve sleep, maintaining connection & love throughout & it doesn't have to be hard!