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🌍 Join the "Go Hungry with Gaza" Challenge! 🤝


Stand in solidarity with families in Gaza by participating in this impactful challenge, while raising funds for two families in Rafah.


🥗 What: 3 day fast eating basic meals x 3 per day. You can join this challenge as a donator and the fast and you will gain access to the challenge but there's no pressure for you to do the 3 day fast, all donations and support helps!
🤳 How: 

  • Follow a 3 day menu created by Patrice with the help of the 2 families based on the basic foods they're eating daily at the moment. 
  • You will gain access to our group to join me and others participating or who have previously done the challenge.
  • Post your experience in the group and if you're comfortable, on social media to raise awareness and show solidarity with the people of Gaza.

💰 Why: Raise awareness and funds for families in need and once we reach the goal for these two families, further proceeds will support aid on the ground in Gaza, focussing on the the North as a priority at the moment.


Let's make a difference together! 🌟
Join, share, donate, and show the world and the Palestinian people that we care.


I am an Irish mother of 2 who has set up 2 go fund me pages for two families, currently displaced in Rafah Gaza. I will be doign this challenge myself from  the 5th to the 7th of March to raise awareness for Gaza and funds for these families and their relatives, if you can join me for this one, i'd be delighted to get some others to join me and hope to repeat it at other times this year too. You can do the challenge when it suits you.


There is real footage of the families we are supporting inside this challenge eating meals in their tents in Rafah so you can get to know who you're supporting and you can join and just take in the story, share the challenge and raise awareness or do it too. 


✅Your donations will go to these families directly!
✅You will gain access to the 3 day basic menu and our challenge group!
✅The steps are easy to follow with 3 meals daily.
✅The menu was designed by the families we are supporting in Gaza.
✅Inside, you will see footage of the families eating too.


Once you join, you will recieve an email within 24 hours.


Here are the families stories adn go fund me pages if you'd like to donate more or share them:


Muhammad and Ismail's family


Hisham's family

Go Hungry for Gaza Challenge!

10,00 €Cena
  • This menu plan is not created by a dietician or a medical professional with any qualification around food health or nutrition.

    This fast is taken on at your own risk. It is up to the participant to know their limits and health status and Patrice takes no liability for any health or illness that may occur as a result of participating in this challenge.

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